Welcome to Wool & Woollens
Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC) was established in the year 1964 with the initiatives of the then Hon’ble Commerce Minister of India Shri. Manubhai Shah and entrusted the responsibilities of promotion export of all type of wool & woollens/acrylic blended productsfrom India. Presently, WWEPC is functioning under the administrative control of Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. WWEPC has its Head Office in New Delhi and two Regional Offices at Ludhiana and Mumbai. The Council has a large number of manufacturers and exporters of wool & woollens acrylic blended products who are spread all over the country.

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Romesh Khajuria
Message from Chairman
India Woollen textiles and clothing industry is relatively small compared to other fibre based textiles and clothing industry. However, the woollen sector plays an important role in linking the rural economy with the manufacturing industry, represented by small, medium and large scale units. The product portfolio is equally divergent from textile intermediaries to finished textiles, garments, knitwears, blankets, carpets and an incipient presence in technical textiles. Wool industry is a rural based export oriented industry and caters to civil and defence requirements for warmer clothing.
Message from Executive Director
OUR COUNCIL VISION is a sustainable, profitable, and helping Indian exporters have a presence in international arena and in working together for the future of wool and wool blended products.
OUR COUNCIL MISSION is to expand membership and to connect all parts(clusters) of the wool and wool blended supply chain in order to strengthen wools credentials as the world’s leading sustainable fiber and generate awareness, employment and benefits of farming and producing wool and wool blended products.