About Us

Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC) was established on 6th October, 1964, by the Central Government with a mandate to promote India’s exports of wool, wool blended products, and acrylic knitwear. WWEPC operates under the administrative jurisdiction of the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, and has its central office situated in New Delhi. Further, WWEPC maintains two Regional Offices located in Ludhiana and Mumbai.
WWEPC proudly represents the Indian Woollen Industry on the global stage, and it currently boasts a substantial membership of manufacturers and exporters of wool, wool blended products, and acrylic knitwear, spread across the nation.
WWEPC is registering authority which is basically promoting, supporting and assisting firms in entering the international markets. WWEPC provides invaluable assistance to Indian exporters as well as importers/ buyers who choose India as their preferred sourcing destination for woollens products.
WWEPC is incorporated as a non-profit organisation under the Society Registration Act, 1860 and governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association framed by the Council. It is administered by the Committee of Administration consisting of elected representatives from the export trade, ex-officio members and nominated Government officials. The Committee is headed by Chairman. The Chairman and Vice Chairman hold office for a period of two years as per provisions laid down in Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20 and Bye Laws of the Council. The Secretary Cum Executive Director assists the Council to run the administration.
WWEPC help registered member-exporters through various functions direct or indirect to grow and compete in global marketsand hence plays a significant role for any exporter in India. Major functions of the Council are:
The Council is notified by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Government of India to function as Registering Authority to issue Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) to its members who are dealing in exports of all types of wool and wool blended products.
As an advisory body, Council actively contributes to the policies of Government of India and acts as an interface between the woollen industry and the Central Government as well as State levels. The Council effectively liaison with industry and trade in order to identify the problems faced in export activities.
The Council provides financial assistance to registered member-exportersfor taking part export promotional activities such as participation in trade fairs and exhibitions abroad to boost export of woollen products under Market Development Assistance (MDA) / Market Access Initiative (MAI) Schemes of Government of India.
The Council helps and promotes the member-exporters by making them aware of the Government schemes and other benefits/incentives.
To make arrangements for organising trade delegations, buyer seller meets and study teams to one or more countries for promoting the export of woollen products and to circulate the reports to member-exporters for diversifying to new products. To assist foreign buyers/importers in their visits to India and chalk out their tour programmes and provide them first-hand information regarding the capabilities of the Indian Woollen Industry.
To build complete data on export/import of woollen products to compare the industry growth, the problems faced by exporters, the specific help needed by the manufacturers/exporters and present the same to the Government in order to enable it to evolve appropriate export policies.
To assist exporters to understand, interpret and implement the export policies and export assistance schemes of Government. The Council also offer guidance to member-exporters on various matters like utilization of GSP, export finance, insurance of goods and joint ventures aboard.
The Council also disseminate trade information like market studies, fashion trends, design trends, export trends, standards and specifications, Government policies, circulars etc. through publications and newsletters.
To improve competitiveness and to create consciousness among exporters through seminars, workshops, discussions and to motivate them for export promotion of woollen products.
To provide cooperation to the Textile Committee, Export Inspection Council and Wool Mark Company on quality control and pre-shipment inspection of export goods to ensure that Indian woollen products are made as per International Standards.