Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council

Membership (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the procedures for obtaining Membership / RCMC of the Council?
A: Membership is to be obtained before registration can be granted. However, Membership & registration can be applied for simultaneously, Registration cum Membership Certificate (RCMC) can be issued as Merchant exporter, Manufacturer exporter & Merchant cum Manufacturer exporter depending on fulfillment of requirement. Please note that the council shall issue RCMC as Manufacturer exporter for specific products subject to the submission of related documents.

Q: What are the related documents to be submitted for obtaining Membership / RCMC of the Council?
A: The Application for Membership & RCMC should be accompanied by the following Details/Documents, wherever applicable.
Demand Draft/Pay Order for the amount applicable to each exporter depending upon the type of registration sought.

  •  Application form for Membership duly filled in.
  •  Application form for RCMC.
  •  A photocopy of Import-Export Code No. duly attested by the Exporter (for RCMC Only.)

A photocopy of SSI Regn/ Udyog Adhaar for Manufacturer Exporters.

Q: What are the Services of the WWEPC to its members?</strong
A: Members of WWEPC can avail the following benefits:

  • The WWEPC is constantly carrying out its development & export promotional activities to boost the exports by way of participation in the international textile exhibitions, gathering market information, survey, dissemination of trade enquiries, giving information about the latest development in the export front, latest notifications, circulars etc. as well as taking up the cause of the powerloom sector with relevant authorities. The Council is constantly serving Woollen industry at large in general & its members in particular, to remove hurdles in export and provide platform to the exporters. WWEPC has been actively involved in urging manufacturers to achieve quality benchmarks through up-gradation of technology. WWEPC encourages Woollen units to modernize under the Technology Up-gradation Fund (TUF) Scheme.

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